Get Rid of These Tasteless Outdated “Trends” in Landscaping

We recently informed you that certain types of landscaping can help (or damage) your home’s resale value. (Stay away from thorny plants! Avoid invasive species! Don’t plant too many trees!) But another way to potentially add value to your home – or at least its appeal – is to remove or refrain from legacy landscaping. Things like garden gnomes and boulder accents that were once in vogue now stand out to potential buyers and your neighbors like your grandmother’s plush lilac rug.

Here are a few landscape design trends that have flourished and need to be taken into account.

Say goodbye to boxwood bushes

Today’s homeowners want landscaping that is easy to manage and that gives their home an appeal, size and character. Boxwood shrubs offer none of this. These shrubs were popular in England and made their way to North America in the 1600s . They will, of course, give your yard a uniform look, but they are also susceptible to disease and the pruning necessary to maintain their shape is inconvenient .

Homebuyers want to see more of the home these days, so consider planting smaller plants or perennials in front of the home and larger shrubs in the corners of the home.

Replace those garden statues and fountains

Landscaping continues to evolve and a less crowded and more open look is now in vogue. Unfortunately, some garden accents, like statues and gnomes, are inappropriate for modern landscaping . Think of them as a mess in your yard, and instead let the plants speak for themselves.

Another garden statue that has aged poorly is the three-tiered fountain. These tall sculptures have been around for thousands of years , and while everyone loves small bodies of water, they are particularly dated, require regular cleaning and often require renovation. You are better off choosing a bubbler that is simple in structure and easy to maintain.

Get rid of the giant boulder

Rock gardens are a popular way to save money on both water and landscaping. However, the heyday of a giant random boulder is already behind us. Like gardening, etc. D. says, “Impenetrable solid landscaping is detrimental to biodiversity and just isn’t a very smart way to use precious open space.” Therefore, too many intricate landscapes can render the courtyard abandoned and less functional.

Instead of? Install a rain garden . A variety of plants will be a great focal point while conserving water.

Choose natural alternatives to dyed mulch

Mulch is a practical way to decorate your yard. Yard food retains moisture, helps shade the soil, and provides vital nutrients to your plants. Color and design can also make your home look more attractive. Unfortunately, the dyed mulch that became popular in the 1960s is now an outdated eyesore and sometimes contains harmful contaminants .

Instead, choose a natural mulch that comes in darker shades and can give you the contrast you want.


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