How to Reduce Humidity in Your Home Without a Dehumidifier

Since many parts of the country experience uncomfortably high levels of humidity, you may have noticed this effect both outdoors and indoors. Sure, turning on an air conditioner or dehumidifier helps, but not everyone has access to these options.

Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce humidity in your home without or in addition to a dehumidifier. Here are some strategies from Consumer Reports and the US Department of Energy, courtesy of Mary H. J. Farrell’s article in Consumer Reports .

How to control indoor humidity

It helps to have an idea of ​​how humid it is inside your home because, as Farrell points out, it doesn’t always correlate with temperature. To monitor humidity levels, get a device that measures both temperature and humidity, many of which are available for less than $ 20.

Check vents and exhaust fans

“Start with the dryer ventilation system, making sure it is completely closed from the back of the machine and outside, and clean it regularly, ” Farrell writes . And while exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom can help with moisture, there is little they can do if they are blocked – so check them out as well.

Seal leaking windows

If your windows are not properly sealed, including around the window unit of the air conditioner, they can leak moist air into your home. To find a leak, Consumer Reports recommends that you take an incense stick and hold it near windows, doors, walls, or anywhere else you suspect there might be a leak. Farrell writes that if the smoke goes sideways, you probably have a leak on your hands that can be fixed with a sealant or sealant.

Insulate your water pipes

Condensation can form when the temperature of the water in your pipes and the air inside them differ. This additional moisture can increase moisture. Wrapping the pipes with insulation can prevent this, according to Consumer Reports .


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