How to Take Care of Your Skin

As the new owner of a beautiful leather sofa, I am constantly worried about keeping it intact. Should I sit on this? What if I spill something? How can I keep it from peeling off? So, here are some skincare tips thatTobias Funke could beproud of .

If you need to clean your leather sofa (or any leather furniture), first remove any crumbs and dust with a portable vacuum cleaner brush attachment. Then wipe the surface with a clean dry cloth. If you notice small scratches on your skin, you can rub them with a clean finger. The natural oils in your fingers will help smooth out scratches.

If you spill something on your sofa (my biggest fear!), Use a manufacturer-approved leather cleaner and follow directions. The internet is full of all sorts of home solutions – literally solutions of vinegar and other household items – but don’t risk your expensive tanned goods with these mixtures. To be on the safe side, check a small spot of your new cleaner on a hidden part of your furniture to make sure it won’t damage or leave any residue. To prevent the leather from flaking, make sure it is away from direct sunlight and from heaters or radiators that could damage the finish.

For small leather items such as bags or briefcases, keep them in shape by stuffing them with a clean towel. Then place them in a cool dry place in a dust bag that will protect the surface for years to come. Finally, for leather jackets, be sure to clip them to thick, sturdy hangers to keep them in shape and structure while preventing cracks and creases. For these and other skincare tips, watch the video above.


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