You Need a Rock Garden to Escape Such Hard Yard Work

While stones are usually added to landscaping, most of the time it is done as a border around a plant or tree, or to create a path through a courtyard or garden. But there is another possibility: you can plan and create a complete rock garden .

What is a rock garden?

Even if you are not familiar with the term “rock garden”, you have probably seen it. Basically, a rock garden is what it looks like: a garden designed around rocks that are either part of natural formations or are brought in and arranged as if they were always there, according to GreenMyLife .

According to an article in Garden Design , rock gardens can vary in shape and size:

A rock garden can range from a complex large-scale project with many facets and layers to something as simple as a small corner decorated with gravel and river rocks. Even a container can become a miniature stone landscape.

Rock gardens can serve a variety of purposes besides being beautiful, including filling a dry river bed, defining a slope, and being used as an alternative to a traditional lawn. They are also a good option for areas where the ground may be uneven or damaged in some way.

How rock gardens can save you time and energy

One of the main advantages of a rock garden is the reduction in the time you spend weeding and caring for a piece of land. Think about it: weeds cannot grow on rocky soil. Of course, weeds can grow between the stones (and ideally the plants you really need), but that’s the point. And, unlike a traditional lawn made from grass, rock gardens are not something you can (or should) mow.

Fewer plants on the site also means you don’t have to spend as much time watering and other yard maintenance. It also saves water – which should be borne in mind, given that the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that irrigation of landscapes accounts for almost a third of all water consumption in residential buildings in the United States, which is seven billion gallons of water every day.

How to make a rock garden

While rock gardens are low maintenance and are visible all year round (unless you live in an area where it snows), you can’t just smack a few rocks and get it done – the process requires some planning.

According to Garden Design , this includes everything from choosing the right site and sketching the design you want to create, to choosing a rock garden style like Japanese, Alpine, or Southwest. You will also need to do a little research to find out which plants will grow best in your climate and area and determine the right soil for your project.

Both Garden Design and Old House Online have detailed instructions on how to build and maintain a rock garden, including tips for growing plants.


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