The Right Way to Ask Why You Didn’t Get the Job

The job interview process can feel like work in itself, especially when it stretches out over weeks or months and requires you to focus on countless tasks that you hope will prove your worth.

And when that hopeful pursuit ends in disappointment, you may feel like you deserve an explanation that goes beyond the standard answers to questions, from the dismissive “we picked a candidate with the best fit for the job” to the intimidating “we’re in a different direction.”

True though, you deserve an explanation as to why you weren’t hired. And while you might be ashamed to ask for it, there are ways to do it that can help you improve your interview game and get a new gig in the future.

How to ask why you weren’t hired

It goes without saying that you cannot severely criticize the hiring manager or publicly resent his decision (subtweets or other angry social media posts are not the best option when looking for a job).

Instead, consider the process an exercise in suppressing pride, especially if the interview has been long and tiring. Your best bet is to email your hiring manager for their time and ask some targeted questions that you think will help you identify gaps in your interviewing skills that you can improve.

Consider the following list of suggestions as a starting point; they are a bit general, but getting solid feedback on these topics will definitely benefit you as you continue your job search:

  • “What were my weaknesses as a candidate?”
  • “What did the stronger candidates have that I lacked?”
  • “Are there ways to improve your behavior?”
  • “What did you like about me and my app?”
  • “Is there anything I can do to improve my resume and cover letter?”
  • “Was there something I did particularly well during the interview?”

Of course, tailor your questions for the position you are applying for, but don’t overcomplicate them. Common questions increase the likelihood that you will receive an answer and hopefully provide you with clear and actionable advice.

You may need a feedback interview

The company you interviewed may be wary of listing your shortcomings in writing for fear of triggering litigation. If a candidate believes that their application has been discriminated against on the basis of socioeconomic, racial, or religious grounds, they can file a claim with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission .

As noted by The Balance Careers , more cautious employers may try to avoid this outcome by arranging a feedback interview with you. This tiptoeing behavior around potential litigation is one reason a company might avoid providing interview feedback as a general practice, but it should be continued anyway, even if the result is just a phone call.

If you manage to arrange this kind of posthumous interview, you can directly ask the questions above. It is a good idea to acknowledge the hiring manager’s efforts in this regard; After all, they don’t technically need to rush you over the phone. Even if the interview process was tedious, full of snatches and mixed signals, technically the discussion is still a favor for you.

And who knows, you can make a good enough impression that they’ll remember you the next time they hire. Asking for this feedback demonstrates your tenacity, your zeal for improvement, and your willingness to learn — qualities that any competent manager admires. It’s never a bad idea to ask them to remember you about future opportunities, and even if this conversation doesn’t lead to another interview at the same company, the lessons you learn from it may help you in the next.


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