These High Humidity Plants Will Grow Well in Your Bathroom.

It can be difficult to find good plants for your low-light, high-humidity bathroom climate, but it’s worth the search. Plants and flowers look great everywhere, including – and maybe especially – in bathrooms, and plants from the tropics like philodendron and ficus love hot and humid weather. Here’s how to choose those who love hot showers as much as you do.

What plants are best for your bathroom?

Some plants need light spraying from time to time to keep them hydrated, even after watering. Boston ferns , for example, have shrub-like plumage and are used when the air humidity is at least 50%; Alocasia plants also love humid climates and have large, dark green leaves that can grow up to three feet in height. Both Boston ferns and alocasia tend to droop and show dried brown tips when they need more moisture, and your bathroom with steam is a great place for them.

Moss is another moisture-loving plant that is perfect for your bathroom. Moss plants are bryophytes , meaning they have no roots or seeds, and they collect nutrients from the air around them. Since they require a light mist to grow, the bathroom is the ideal climate for these fluffy plants. Some companies will even make living bath rugs out of them.

What flowers are best for your bathroom?

Orchids, which are notoriously difficult to keep alive, may work well for your bathroom as they prefer moist conditions rather than getting completely wet. Peaceful lilies are another flower you should consider for your bathroom, as they also love humid and warm climates. With proper care, their leaf-like white flowers bloom twice a year.

Another plant that blooms almost all year round is bromeliad, which may be the strongest plant to date. This tropical plant produces bright purple and orange leaves that will bloom for years and can survive in indirect or artificial sunlight, extreme cold and extreme heat. Like everyone else, they love wet weather. In addition, they can also grow in soilless environments such as mixtures of bark or charcoal.

An unexpected plant you can keep in your bathroom is ornamental peppers, which produce purple, yellow, orange, and red peppers from their thick green leaves. They are native to the southern United States and northern South America, and while peppers are edible, they are not known for their great taste, so they are more aesthetic – hence their name.

Each of these plants can thrive in your bathroom as long as you have a light source. Most require indirect sunlight, so if you have a bathroom window, you can transform your bathroom into a tropical jungle and your plants will love you for it.


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