10 Video Game Soundtracks to Boost Your Productivity

Working in silence can be tricky, but finding music that doesn’t distract you from high-concentration tasks like writing is tricky too. But it turns out that video game ringtones can be the perfect background music for when you need to focus. No seriously. As pointed out in this Reddit post , video game music usually plays an important role, so it’s less intrusive and specifically written to keep you focused and motivated. You may be skeptical about this if you don’t play games, but I assure you that game music is much more than meaningless sounds and bloopers. This 2014 NPR radio segment explains that video game composers are often classically trained musicians who apply the same techniques to their work as any classical composer.

For an eternal gamer like me, this is not surprising – I often listen to game soundtracks while I work. However, it will be difficult for a beginner to find a good soundtrack for concentration – there are thousands of games out there, and if you don’t already have a list of favorites, the immersion in the world of video game music can be overwhelming. To save you some effort, I’ve compiled a list of 10 of my favorite video game soundtracks to listen to while you write or study or draw or whatever you do. The list contains favorite classics and personal favorites, but it is by no means exhaustive – if your favorite soundtrack from the game is missing, it’s not because we don’t deem it worthy, so by all means, leave it in the comments.


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