Why Is Everyone Pouring Mustard on Watermelon?

Another day, another TikTok food trend; this time we are pouring mustard on the watermelon, and we are not even high. I’m not sure who made the first watermelon mustard video (I think it was this person ), but I know Lizzo made the most popular video.

In this recent episode “Is this a bus or is it disgusting?” Lizzo pours yellow mustard on a juicy watermelon and eats it, which looks quite puzzled. I have tried the combination myself and I understand – and understand – her confusion.

As Joel points out at the start of this taste test, this combination isn’t nearly as wild as some of the things we put in our mouths for fun (and, to a lesser extent, education). Sweets often taste good with sour things, and yellow mustard is one of the hottest and least hot mustards you can buy.

But, unfortunately, the appetizer does not seem complete. It tastes like watermelon and mustard – there is nothing better than individual pieces. It is not off-putting or even unpleasant, but using the French (or, in my case, cheating the French brand Kroger) did not improve the experience of eating watermelons for me.

Do you know what makes a watermelon taste better? Salt. And tajine, which contains salt, chili and acid in the form of dehydrated lime, which, when combined with watermelon juice and sugar, creates a complete, fully cooked bite. Inspired by a good salting, Joel and I scattered and sprinkled with various other condiment mixes on hot pink melon to get you out of our video with some actionable and delicious watermelon eating strategies (and so we can eat more melon.).

Joel and I had our own favorites to watch in the video, but regular regular salt is hard to beat. (As a longtime melon breeder, I wasn’t shocked at all, but it’s nice to have my preferences checked from time to time.)


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