Use a Screwdriver and Other Ways to Avoid Over-Watering Your Lawn This Summer

The summer months are synonymous with dry, brown, crackling grass – a nightmare for those who love their luscious green lawns, and acclaim for those who think lawns are bullshit . When it’s hot outside, the first thing you can do is pour too much water onto your lawn, but a brown spot doesn’t necessarily mean a dead lawn. And while watering can help revitalize it, you’re probably using more than your lawn really needs. In a world where water is not a limitless resource, less water on your lawn is not only environmentally friendly but also keeps your grass healthier. Here’s what you need to know to avoid watering your lawn this summer.

Use a screwdriver to know when to water your lawn this summer

How often you water your lawn depends on what kind of grass you have, where you live, and the amount of rainfall in your area. Typically, lawns require 1-1.5 inches of water every week, and once a week will be adequate for this requirement, although you may need to water twice a week during the dry summer months. This does not mean that you need to blindly water your lawn twice a week in the summer. Treat it like any other plant you want to keep and check your moisture levels regularly. To do this, you can buy a moisture meter that attaches directly to your lawn and will give you accurate readings. If this is more information than you really want, you can try the screwdriver technique. California Water News Daily recommends homeowners “stick an eight-inch screwdriver into the ground. If you can push it more than three inches below the surface, you don’t need to water. ”

How to help your lawn retain water in summer

The herb is a resistant plant. Its long blades convert sunlight into energy and collect rainwater. Garden Express owner Chris Bonnett told Express , “[g] rass is smart enough to move any water and nutrients it stores in its blades into the roots underground, since the temperature is lower and there are no drying winds.” In addition, different types of grass and soil retain water more than others. The scientifically based gardening site Bio Advanced explains: “The healthy lawn of typical fescue has a deep root system and superior drought tolerance.” A deep root system increases your grass’s chances of survival by trapping more water in the soil, and there are more effective ways to improve the health of your soil than over-watering. Molloy College found that growing grass a little taller can promote deep root growth – and the longer the roots, the better water retention. To keep your lawn healthy, they recommend not removing more than a third of the full blade when mowing. Adding compost will also improve your soil and encourage root growth.

How to moisturize your lawn while saving water

Water is a valuable resource, and while we have easy and consistent access to it throughout most of the United States, this does not mean that its waste has no impact on the environment. Fortunately, there are ways to conserve water and conserve your lawn. Many rural areas reduce water losses by using cisterns , underground reservoirs that collect rainwater for later use. Tanks are an ancient method of saving water that predates modern plumbing and still makes sense. Installing one cylinder will cost you about $ 1 per gallon it can hold (this means a 500 gallon tank will cost $ 500). An underground cistern is admittedly an expensive way to water your lawn, but it can meet your landscaping needs. A 2,000-gallon tanker could provide a family of four with enough water for several months, Hunker said, making them a smart investment for residents in drought-prone areas like Arizona or Southern California.

An easier option is to buy a rain barrel . When placed under your home’s gutters, the rain cover will collect and hold water for use on those dry days. It is best to install one before the rainy season, and if you have a room, you can connect several together with a hose, which will allow you to store more water to make your lawn look green. Raise the barrel (s) on cinder blocks or pallets and install a hose connection to facilitate watering.


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