How Soon Can You Take a Vacation After Starting a New Job?

Asking for vacation time after receiving a job offer is a tricky one. Every employee deserves free time, but when you’re new to work, it might feel like free time should be overshadowed.

Except that this is not always the case. You may have been interviewed and hired despite a planned vacation; or maybe a life-changing event – for example, someone’s wedding – has long been planned for the third week of your work. In truth, there are ways to ask the right question so that the question doesn’t look casual.

When to ask for a day off if you are just getting started

You may hear things from some experts in the workplace that point out the exact rules, such as a measurable length of time, which means you paid your dues and can get some R&R without fear of repercussions. Most important, however, is that you understand the culture of the company and, in addition, you know what is convenient for your leader.

“Vacation policy is between the company and the leader,” says Marc Cenedella, founder of Leet Resumes. “What is in the handbook only occasionally really approves of the vacation,” he tells Lifehacker.

For example, some companies have an accrual system in which employees must work a certain number of hours to earn vacation days. However, this system is somewhat archaic these days, with many young companies moving away from the notion that work is time spent relaxing. According to the Society for Human Resource Management , such formats are usually a deterrent for potential employees who may simply direct their job searches to companies with more lavish travel deals.

However, if you find yourself in the unenviable position of asking your boss about an upcoming vacation before you spend a lot of time, there are many ways to do it diplomatically.

How to ask for a vacation from a new job

“If you’ve received a job offer but still haven’t signed the offer letter , then you’re in the best place to bring up the topic,” says Senedella.

He explained:

The employer clearly wants you to join, and the innocent “by the way, how do I request a week’s leave?” followed by “and is it possible if I do this within the first three months?” you will most likely get the most condescending response.

Of course, it’s understandable that everyone has a life outside of work, so it’s more than likely that if your request isn’t entirely outlandish – don’t plan a two-week vacation right after your first week of work – you will. If you have a wedding or family vacation within the first month of work, just say so. Don’t look closely if something important was planned long before you were hired.

“Waiting to ask until a decision is made is the worst,” says Senedella. The saying “My family bought a cruise at the end of this month and I have to go” puts your boss in a quandary and shows that you are not good at communicating or managing. “

You also don’t need to play a guessing game, but if you don’t know how to read your boss, you can look elsewhere in the company for advice. “Asking new colleagues for practical advice on how to take a vacation from your new employer is helpful and can provide you with guidance on how corporate culture actually works,” notes Senedella.

Everyone deserves to spend time away from their desk. Asking for a vacation without putting your boss in a dangerous place should be easy enough if you plan ahead.


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