Why You Should Use a Dry, Salt-Free Wipe

I have never bought – never thought I would buy – a condiment mixture that boasts that it is “salt-free.” (“Couldn’t have been me,” as the kids say.) I love salt – and I have a growing collection of sodium chloride to prove it. So I was a little shocked and a little shocked when not one , buttwo guys from the BBQ offered me to grind my pork shoulder on Memorial Day with a salt-free mass. (Don’t worry, they didn’t tell me to give up the salt shaker entirely.)

How to salt meat when frying

Salting is actually a very important step in preparing meat for a smoker or grill, but you must take good care of it before applying the dry rub. How long ago? At least several hours, if not days, depending on the size of your incision. (The amount of salt you use will also vary from cut to cut – Serious Eats have some pretty good guidelines for some of the more common.) Applying salt this early gives it time to penetrate and season the inside of the meat, rather than just sit on the surface. … Salt pulls water out of the muscles (that’s osmosis, baby), this water dissolves the salt (creating a very concentrated wet brine), and the meat absorbs the dissolved salt. By the time you are ready to add the grating, your meat will be well salted.

Unlike salt, dry grinding is designed to sit on the surface of the meat and create a crust of additional flavors, and should be applied just before the protein enters the smoker or grill. The ingredients vary greatly, but most of the grits are composed of a mixture of herbs, spices, chili peppers, and sugar. The flavoring chemicals in these ingredients are much higher than sodium chloride and cannot penetrate deep into the meat. (According to AmazingRibs.com , most of the ingredients rub only make it around 1/8 of an inch below the surface.) It’s okay, though, because dry rubs have to sit on the surface and develop that beautiful crust, and they couldn’t. ” they disappeared into the butt of a pig.

How to make dry grate yourself

There are a few ready-made grinds without salt (SnS makes pretty decent ), but most commercial grinds contain too much salt to be used on a piece of salted meat. (Some are about 50% salt!) Fortunately, making your own is super easy, and you can even add a little salt if you like – although this isn’t necessary if you’ve seasoned the meat correctly beforehand. Except for the first recipe (which is actually more of a cure), these simple rubs can all be made without salt and are great for a good riff if you choose to add any herbs and spices. hanging out in the kitchen. Remember, you can always add a little salt to the dry rub if you feel like it is necessary, but starting with the salt-free rub gives you control, and control is what gives you predictable (delicious) results every time.


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