How to Fix a Gap in a Bag of Chips

Feel free to say that opening a bag of chips can be frustrating. The seals in the bag may be stubbornly stuck together, or your hands may already be greasy from dipping them in a previous bag of salty goodness. But if you yank too hard, you run a terrible risk of ripping your bag, causing most, if not all, of your chips to fly out of the way, and good luck trying to roll the bag back to save some for later. … This is the Chip Eater dilemma, and every bag of chips on the planet is a risk. But what if you could perform emergency surgery on the injured bag to prevent further spills?

Fix the torn chip bag with a hole punch

Take part in this stellar maneuver courtesy of Reddit . If you use a hole punch at the base of the rip, you reduce the chances of the bag bursting further and thus keep your precious snacks safe. (There is no way to change the existing gap; you just need to eat below that level in the package, alas). It’s a simple process and all you need to do is a hole punch.

In the video below, my colleague Beth Skorecki demonstrates how this quick torn bag solution works:

As you can see from the video, technically your bag could rip even more, but less likely. The hole at the base of the tear effectively closes the gap in the bag; Essentially, the tear meets an obstacle that prevents it from ripping apart easily, making it less likely that you will shatter it even further when you reach inside to reach for the next fat chip.

While this simple action is not going to completely negate the ubiquitous threat of a torn chip bag, it is a good stopgap measure to use if your next bag of tokens is in an accident.


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