How to Choose the Easiest Hanging Plants to Stay Alive Indoors

Hanging plants can make your home a wonderful oasis, but when the colors of these plants start to fade and their leaves dry out, they can be difficult to save , especially if you don’t understand what is going on. Some hanging plants grow out of pots, while others fall prey to the usual over-watering, and even more resistant hanging plants still need proper attention. Here are some hanging plants you can buy and how to make them live longer.

How to care for a mistletoe cactus

Starting with one of the easiest hanging plants to maintain, mistletoe cactus does not require much light or water, but only moderate moisture. Unlike common cacti, this plant grows in rainforests, requiring more shade than sunlight . The mistletoe cactus has nearly rod-shaped leaves that can grow up to six feet in length . You can buy a fully grown plant to care for, or you can cut off the stem and plant it yourself.

Even though it is a rainforest plant, it still needs proper drainage and cactus soil. Line the pot with drainage pebbles and make sure the pot has a drain and a saucer to collect excess water. Most succulents require the soil to dry completely before re-watering, but the mistletoe cactus does not. You don’t need to water them, but keep the soil moist enough between waterings.

Also, remember to spray your plants frequently as they are used to the humid environment of rainforest. Horticultural know-how says: “Fertilize with half dilution of cactus feed from April to September, once a month. Water frequently in the spring and summer, but keep water out of the winter. ”

How to care for devil ivy

Plants that require low light and not too much water are great for beginner gardeners. If you forget to water the plant, chances are good it will still live when you get to it.

Devil ivy requires low to moderate sunlight. It is not suitable for direct sunlight or complete darkness, making it an ideal houseplant – Water Devil’s Ivy is enough to keep the soil moist and not dry out the roots. Never want to see completely dry soil, but don’t let water build up in the pot.

These plants are quite self-sufficient and do not need large amounts of fertilizer. Epic Gardens says, “If you want strong growth and foliage, give a 20-20-20 mix.” You should avoid fertilizing during the winter months, as this is the most likely dormant time for the plant.

Unfortunately, this plant is highly toxic to dogs, cats and horses . Devil’s Ivy is great for beginner gardeners, but not for pet lovers.

How to care for a spider plant

Spider plants are ideal indoor hanging plants because they require little maintenance and actually prefer indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight canburn the spider plant , so be sure to place it away from windows or areas where the sun is most intense.

Watering a spider plant is fairly easy, as the plant does well when the soil is allowed to dry completely between waterings. Bloomscape’s site notes: “If you notice darkening of the tips of the leaves, it could be due to chemicals in the water that are causing the congestion .” They recommend leaving the water in the container for a while, which will make your life easier anyway, just by leaving a watering can.

Spider plants don’t need to be over-fed, so fertilize them twice a month in the spring and summer. These plants are ideal for a new plant owner.

How to care for a Boston fern

Boston ferns are tropical plants that grow bulky with a little love and care, but theydon’t like direct sunlight , so stay out of your sunny rooms. However, they love to be kept moist, so spraying the leaves regularly will help them thrive. Make sure there is sufficient drainage for the soil.

Ferns do require quite a lot of plant food to survive, so fertilization should be done every two weeks from April to September usinghalf strength liquidfertilizer . TheGarden Beast landing site offers an alternative to purchased fertilizers.

For a great organic fertilizer that will revitalize your fern in early spring, mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts with a gallon of water and feed your fern. Magnesium and salt foaming accelerate plant growth.

Boston ferns grow up to one foot tall and hanging them creates the illusion of floating in space, making them a fun plant for your home garden.


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