When to Watch Super Blossom Bloody Moon This Month

The next celestial event to light up the skies over the Northern Hemisphere is named for its red hue: Blood Moon in Super Flower. No, this name is not a purely scientific term, but as far as the full moon is concerned, this month is definitely worth a spot on your calendar. It is a product of a lunar eclipse, as the Moon is several inches closer to Earth than it will be for an entire month, with fragments of sunlight flooding the lunar surface with a deep reddish brilliance.

Here’s what you need to know about the Super Flower Blood Moon, which is definitely not an omen of the impending End of Days, although it sounds like that.

This is a total lunar eclipse

It is an eclipse to look at, which is a plus for eclipses. A total lunar eclipse will occur on May 26 as the Moon moves within the Earth’s shadow, bringing the Sun, Earth and Moon into perfect alignment. This brief moment of symmetry hides the moon from observers on earth, but this particular eclipse is different as it coincides with the Super Moon – when the Moon reaches its closest proximity to Earth during its orbit. This particular moon, according to the Farmer’s Almanac, will be the largest moon of the year for anyone looking up without the aid of binoculars or a telescope.

All things considered, the Super Flower Blood Moon is the perfect sky storm. NASA explains how the moon is enveloped in a red hue during this process:

The color red arises from the passage of sunlight through the Earth’s atmosphere – a ring of light created by all the sunrises and sunsets occurring around our planet at that time. Because of its reddish color, a lunar eclipse is often referred to as a “blood moon”.

The term “flower” is also not out of nowhere: the May full moon is traditionally called the flower moon, which is associated with its association with the blooming of spring. Either way, this moon will be large – seven percent larger and 15 percent brighter than normal, which means it will look about the same as April’s pink supermoon .

How to see the Super Flower Blood Moon

Fortunately, a total lunar eclipse cannot be missed, and while some areas will have a better vantage point, the phenomenon is seen almost everywhere at night, albeit to varying degrees. NASA explains where the eclipse will have the greatest impact:

It is best to observe this eclipse in the Pacific region – these are the western parts of America, Australia and New Zealand, as well as East Asia. In the US, the best viewing will be in Hawaii, Alaska, and the western states.

For the eastern states of the United States, the event begins “at dawn and dusk,” the space agency notes, and the more noticeable the further west you travel before moonset. An eclipse does not depend on where you live, it happens immediately and then disappears. You can of course optimize the process by checking the TimeandDate resources, which allow you to specify your exact coordinates for planning the arrival of the eclipse. This is truly the best way to choose the time to gaze at the sky. There are also plenty of options in regard to stream in real-time , if you want to witness the miracle of a huge red moon soft glow of the LCD screen.

As always, check the weather forecast and prepare accordingly before going outside or simply looking out the window.


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