Try This Frozen Applesauce Instead of Expensive Dog Ice Cream

Dogs love treats and people love treating dogs because we love to see our dogs happy and excited. However, not all treats are created equal. Some of these, such as table scraps that are high in salt and fat, are bad for your dog; and some, like these little dog ice cream cups, are very expensive. Frozen applesauce is neither.

Frozen unsweetened applesauce is an economical treat that will take your dog much longer than an unfrozen treat. Most dogs – and there are always exceptions – have to take their time with frozen food rather than a couple of bites. Plus it’s cool and refreshing, which in summer is nice for a furry creature that doesn’t sweat.

You can buy a large jar and pour it into a large ice cube tray , or you can buy a pack of individual cups and place them in an ice box for the perfect ice cream-style serving presentation. I like small cups – I find the container helps to slow down the consumption rate – but watch your puppy to make sure he doesn’t get too carried away and eat the plastic. (If that’s a problem or concern, you can pour warm water over a cup and pour frozen applesauce, or simply cook the cubes and serve them in a bowl to eat.)

Regardless of how you serve it, make sure the sauce you choose is free of sweeteners (the ingredient list should contain apples, water, and possibly some ascorbic acid (vitamin C)), and never feed your dog anything that contains artificial sweeteners. which can cause life-threatening drops in blood sugar and kidney failure. Also remember that these are treats. (Your dog might be perfectly happy to eat 100% frozen applesauce, but that might upset her stomach a little.)


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