Can Bagels Be Made With Just Two Ingredients?

I try my best to be open-minded when I read new and creative culinary tricks from our world wide web. I mean, just imagine if I never gave popcorn salad a chance. How sad would that be? (Moderately sad.) But, nevertheless, there are a few “hacks” that I have avoided for years, and today we are testing one of them.

This two-ingredient bagel recipe has been spinning around the internet in one form or another for years, and I’ve never tried it because I don’t like being yelled at by New Yorkers. I was half raised by my Jewish stepfather, and – although I don’t care about him on a personal level – he introduced me to real bagels, for which I am grateful. I mean, I know enough about bagels to know that you can’t make bagels from self-rising flour and yogurt, but Joel and I made them anyway, because one employee who will remain unnamed (until you watch the video) , told us that we should.

If you take any iteration of this recipe and run it through AA Newton’s ” How to Determine a Good Bagel Recipe ” checklist, you’ll find that it doesn’t meet any of the requirements. No simmering (and therefore no chewy crust) and no cooling period (yoghurt does not give the dough the same spicy, slowly fermented flavor) – check, not even yeast.

I’m not going to tell you what we ended up doing with those two ingredients – you’ll need to watch the video for that – but I can tell you we didn’t make bagels. (And I can tell you that Joel is upset, but he will recover. We just need to feed him some more popcorn salad.)


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