How Much Are Your Old Pokemon Cards Worth Lately?

Market trading card is hot right now, if not a little more than warmed up last week, pulled out a gun collector to other collectors in the dispute for trading cards on the target , which prompted the company to pull the card from the shelves. While this is an extreme example of intense demand for collectible cards during a pandemic, the rising prices suggest that you can take another look at your collection and see if you have any hidden gems worth keeping or selling.

The collectibles market has been good for a while

The trading card market was good before the pandemic and, in fact, outperformed the stock market indices. The PWCC 500 Index, which is similar to the S&P 500 for trading cards, reported a 12-year ROI of 175% compared to only 102% for the S&P, according to Axios .

Pokémon collectors fuel the frenzy as well. According to the BBC, a sealed box of early 2000s Pokémon cards retailed for around $ 100; the same box would cost up to $ 50,000 today. Vice also says the Pokémon market is so crowded that there is a multi-month waiting list just to be evaluated by professional cartographers.

Sports cards are also popular, with plenty of high-profile sales lately, including Rookie Michael Jordan’s card, currently on offer for $ 1.4 million , and Rookie LeBron James’s “ultra rare” card, which sold for $ 5.2 million. dollars , which exceeds the sold Mickey Mantle card. at the same price earlier in January.

How to determine the value of your collection

There are a lot of cards, and only a small part of them are very valuable. Before you pay for an appraiser, you’ll want to do your own research. Site map collection Cardboard Connection offers eBay as a first step, especially in the ” goods sold ” as it will tell you how much your cards are worth, without having to spend money (there is also a useful service orientation price ).

If you’re like me, dreams of funding a mortgage down payment with leftover Garbage Pail Kids cards will quickly fade away and you’ll be forced to leave (but I’ll check that out in another 30 years).

If your trading cards have value, you’ll want them to be authenticated and rated by card rating services like Professional Sports Authenticator or PSA (though, again, expect delays ). The decision as to whether or not you really sell is up to you.

What are the disadvantages of investing in collectible cards?

The most important thing to remember about collectible cards is that they are only worth what someone is willing to pay . If the market suddenly dries up, the book value of the price reference will mean nothing. Traders will also tell you that it is not always easy to line up a buyer, and some cards will differ depending on how easy it is to sell them.

Also, you need to know what to look for. The chances of finding a Honus Wagner card in the attic are extremely low, so you will need to spot undervalued cards while keeping an eye on new collections and trends (which is why most professional traders start out as hobbyists).

Finally, just because collectible cards remain popular doesn’t mean they’ll last forever. Will Gen Z collectors be able to use niche cardboard rectangles with the same fervor as boomers and millennials in twenty years? Will NFTs impact the market or is it just a fad? Nobody knows for sure.


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