How to Delete Your Club Account Because It’s Not As Easy As You Think

The Clubhouse may seem like an exclusive … well, a club, but you may find that it’s not for you when you finally try it yourself . Whether you find one of the many competing Clubhouse robbers more appealing, you just don’t like the open audio format, you find the app’s constant access to your phone contacts and its inconsistent privacy policy a little sketchy, or you could do without letting go already about unmoderated anti-Semitism , there are many good reasons to stop using the Clubhouse.

And if you never return, you should close your account completely and make sure your personal data is also deleted. This way, your information will not be leaked if Clubhouse accidentally discloses it or hackers break into their servers.

Unfortunately, getting Clubhouse to delete your data and cancel your account is almost as difficult as getting into beta. Other social media services such as Twitter, Instagram and TikTok allow users to remove account information from their mobile app settings or on their websites. There is no clubhouse . The only way to clear your club data is to completely delete your account (at least while the app is in beta). However, you also cannot delete your account in the app. Instead, you need to send an email to Clubhouse support to delete your account and all associated data.

“Okay,” some will say, “sounds simple enough.” And of course, sending an email is the easiest part. But the rest of the process is not that easy and takes much longer than you think.

How to cancel your Clubhouse account

Please make sure your club’s email address is verified before submitting your deletion request. Clubhouse will only delete the account if the request is sent from the verified email address associated with the account:

  1. In the Clubhouse app, tap your profile picture.
  2. Tap the “@” icon in the upper right corner.
  3. If your email address is not verified (or if you need to update it), tap your email address, make sure it is correct, then select Confirm.
  4. Check your inbox and open the confirmation email from the Clubhouse.
  5. Follow the instructions.

After confirming your club’s email address, submit your deletion request using the club support submission form .

The next step is to wait. As other posts (and frustrated users ) point out, Clubhouse takes time to complete. Once Clubhouse confirms the deletion request, the account is marked as “deactivated”, which hides the profile from other users and prevents you from logging in again. However, this does not mean that your account or your personal data has been deleted.

Your account will eventually be reset to zero, but Clubhouse doesn’t tell you how long it will take, and it doesn’t seem like a reliable way to confirm the current status of a deleted but not deleted account. But once the deactivation period ends, your Clubhouse account will be permanently canceled and your data (in theory) should be deleted from the Clubhouse servers.


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