These Pharmacy Chains Offer COVID Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines are getting easier. As of a few weeks ago, all adults in the United States are eligible to schedule vaccinations, regardless of which state you live in. And now several pharmacy chains offer same day visits and appointments in most of their locations.

President Biden announced this week that he is ordering pharmacies that receive vaccines from the federal government to start offering appointments seven days a week. Thousands of pharmacies participate in this program, including many large chains. You can find a list of them here ; these include CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Albertsons (including Safeway), Rite Aid, Kroger, Costco, HEB, Publix, Topco and others.

Not every location will offer passes every day, but when you check availability at your local pharmacy, you can very well notice that they are available. Some pharmacies also allow you to make an appointment on the same day or even the same hour that you make your appointment, so people are increasingly able to get the vaccine at short notice.

Some networks have made their own announcements:

  • CVS offers visitors “favorite spots” in reportedly 8,300 out of 9,900 offices.
  • Walgreens now offers receptions in the same day in all of its pharmacies, as well as visits to some places.
  • All Walmart and Sam’s Club stores now offer walking opportunities. (Sam’s Club membership is not required for vaccinations.) Appointments are also available.

To find a store near you, check the information for each pharmacy. Individual pharmacies and small chains are also included in the federal program. Government clinics often offer physician services as well, so check for availability near you. Making a vaccine may be easier than you’d expect.


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