How to Make the Most of Every Inch of Your Hallway

If you live in a large home, you can think of your hallways as additional evacuation spaces that simply carry you from one part of your home to another. But if you live in an apartment or small house, hallways are precious and valuable space that you should definitely make the most of.

But whatever your home situation, chances are you could do more with your hallways – at least in terms of decor. In a recent article for Hunker, Siobhan Murphy offers some ideas for this under-used part of your home.

How to maximize the potential of your hallway

For the most part, the corridors are quite narrow, so you can’t just move old furniture into them and put an end to it. However, you have more leeway when it comes to decor, including room to experiment. Here are some ways to get the most out of your hallway.

Test drive type of wallpaper or paint

Sometimes you fall in love with a patterned wallpaper or paint color but aren’t ready to use it throughout the room. Corridors give you space to experiment with different styles in a relaxed setting. So go ahead: try this coral paint, striped pattern, or loaded wallpaper and give your hallway a decorative boost.

Add a shallow bookcase

We tend to think of bookcases as large, bulky pieces of furniture, but there are many relatively thin and shallow options available, making them an option for (certain) hallways. Even if for some reason you don’t suffer from overflowing books , you can use a bookcase to display a collection or other items that are important to you.

Make a classic gallery wall

Even narrow corridors will hold up a gallery wall . Just take whatever photos, (tasteful) posters and prints you like, frame them and post them on the wall in your hallway. At the very least, it can cheer you up as you walk through it.

If you have a corner, use it

For those fortunate enough to have a hallway with some kind of nook or niche, there are a whole host of other possibilities. These can include adding a small desk for your home office, or setting up a piece of storage furniture, or even a bench. Just make sure you measure the area before lugging heavy furniture from other rooms or buying something new.


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