Wash These Items After You Buy Them Because You Don’t Know Where They Were

If you only wash your new household items after the first use, you may be missing an important first step. Often the cleaning process should start immediately after removing the packaging or tag. Even if they look clean, clothes bought from a hanger were touched, tried on, and taken to factories before you loaded up your credit card to buy. The pots and pans may have been on the shelf for an unknown amount of time and have been touched by hundreds of fingers before you bring them into the kitchen. To protect themselves from the effects of plant carcinogens , not to mention sweaty fingers of other people, you need to make quite a bit of effort and allow you to enjoy their innovations, not thinking about anything unpleasant that might happen to them in the past.

Always wash new clothes before putting them on.

While it’s fun to put on new clothes right away, you should resist the urge for the rest of the day. Apart from the dozens of people who have potentially tried on clothes before you bought them – and even if you shop online, where fitting is admittedly less likely – clothes have to move from factory to warehouse to store, potentially picking up germs along the way. … But even if you are not worried about potential pathogens, unknown skin irritants can remain in the tissue fibers. Garment expert Lana Hogue told Elle Magazine , “Most of the chemicals used in fabric dyeing and yarn finishing that can be processed on spinning machines are known to irritate the skin.” This is why it is especially important to pre-wash intimate garments such as underwear – these chemicals approaching the skin – and especially mucous membranes – can potentially lead to problems. There are many ways to sanitize your clothes – for example, you can add some white vinegar and mouthwash to your next load of laundry to ensure germ-free first wear, but a standard wash is probably enough to get the garment ready for use. And all of this applies to the sheets: if you sleep on them all night, make sure they are free of chemicals from the factory.

Wash your towels to make sure they really dry you.

For all of the above reasons, you will also want to wash your new towels, but you should also do this to make sure they really dry you after you shower. As we noted earlier , washing your towels before use will remove all residues from the manufacturing process, including special coatings designed to look attractive on the shelf that can interfere with their job and actually absorb water.

Wash new pots and silverware before cooking.

It’s understandable why silverware, pots, pans, and other utensils should be washed before first use, but it won’t hurt to repeat it. It’s impossible to tell how many hands touched this bowl before putting it back on the shelf, so you need to make sure all germs are gone from the wrong hands before eating or drinking from the dishes. Ben Chapman, Ph.D., an extension of food safety at North Carolina State University, said in an interview with Kitchen , not meeting this requirement is “indeed a very low risk, [but] there may be plastic or other materials in household appliances, such as plastic film or dust from the warehouse ”, which, at a minimum, can affect the taste of your food.

In addition, on the Silverware cutlery headquarters website, the manufacturers explain that “the cookware has been coated with a thin layer of oil or a protective coating to prevent it from being scratched or damaged in transit.” To prevent anyone from swallowing this coating (or whatever sticks to it), wash dishes and utensils by hand with soap and water, or throw them in the dishwasher before use. The same goes for reusable water bottles , utensils, and pitchers.

Pre-wash children’s toys

If you’re a new parent, you’ve probably done this all the time, but it’s best to wash your kids’ toys regularly. While your baby’s immune system is still developing, you should do your best to keep harmful bacteria out of your mouth. No need to wash with harsh chemicals; Wipe quickly with warm water and a little soap to kill any germs on the plastic.


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