All US Adults Are Now Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccine

On the courtyard of April 19, and the intention of President Biden to date to make all adult suitable for vaccination COVID been realized: of The the New York Times reports that all 50 states and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico opened its right to vaccination for all adults , regardless of the priority group.

Today we are also at an important milestone in terms of the number of people vaccinated: according to the CDC, more than half of the US adult population has received at least one dose of the vaccine. And 32.5% of American adults are considered “fully vaccinated,” which means they are two weeks after their last dose.

Now, how easy it is to get vaccinated depends on where you live. Many people who were already eligible for the program due to health conditions, age or other factors were unable to make an appointment. In many cases, health departments may not be doing enough outreach to vaccinate poorer areas or people who are forced to leave home due to disability or other reasons.

How to make an appointment

We’ve got a collection of tips for you , which includes signing up to multiple mailing lists or waiting lists and contacting your state, county, or city’s health department for better information. There are often massive efforts to spread information about lesser-known clinics through Facebook groups and other informal networks, so ask around.

Beware of fraud, though : there are vaccine hunters who ask for money for doses or to put you on a waiting list, but appointments should always be free, and the dose of the vaccine itself should be free under federal regulations. If you have insurance, you may need to show your insurance card and you may be billed for your insurance. But if you don’t have insurance, the clinic can’t charge you for the vaccine, refuse you, or bill you for other expenses like going to the office if your only reason for visiting was to get the COVID vaccine.


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