13 Sports Movies You Will Love Even If You Don’t Like Sports

Healthy competition builds character, and we are constantly confronted with it – or developing it where it is not needed. Whether we choose our favorite type of pizza or vote for a political candidate we believe in, side selection is something we do all the time. This is probably why many of us are passionate about sports – it embodies this important aspect of human existence. And great sports movies can be almost as satisfying, even if you don’t really care about sports, metaphorizing the personal difficulties of our daily lives. Even if you’re not boxing in the first place, you understand what drives Mickey Ward’s character from a fighter who lives only to excel at what he likes.

We love seeing people train hard and overcome obstacles to win because it makes us feel like we can win too, even if it’s work and not the field. These 13 sports movies are fun and inspiring, whether you know the games they portray.


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