How to Find (Good) Sex Advice on TikTok

By scrolling through TikTok, users can find tips ranging from all kinds of intercourse to what to put in the vagina, from boric acid to ice and medicine for athlete’s feet. The app is popular with teens and young adults, many of whom use it to find communities of like-minded people, explore their sexuality and discover topics that they might not be able to discuss with anyone in the outside world, but like everything else on the Internet. it takes a little savvy to navigate it. It is important to separate the factual from the actively dangerous, which is why Lifehacker turned to experts for advice. (Please do not inject boric acid, ice, or athlete’s foot medicine into any of your holes without doing research or consulting your doctor.)

Understand the algorithm

The famous TikTok For You page features carefully curated clips that become more relevant to your interests the more you interact with the app. Work with fragmentary information and you know what? You will probably get more sketchy information.

“Because TikTok promotes trends, ‘health trends’ that are often not backed by science tend to spread the app and can actually be quite dangerous for users,” explained Canela Lopez, Brooklyn-based sex and relationship reporter for Insider. which pays great attention to the issues of its work in the digital space. “For example, there are many self-douching techniques on TikTok that can help clear the vagina, but the practice of douching is generally discouraged.”

Consider the source

The solution here, Lopez says, is to do your own research outside of the app.

“While there are users who call themselves healthcare professionals, obstetricians / gynecologists and sex educators, it is important to check their online credentials before taking what they say as fact. Do you see an account with interesting information? If you can, google the account owner. If you cannot, I recommend looking at the information on the Internet or asking your doctor. “

Chrissy Hlapeka, a 20-year-old TikToker with almost 3 million followers , also invites to know not only the credentials of the creator, but also their past and life experiences – some of which she found are more prevalent on the platform than others.

“I understand that as a white man, the TikTok algorithm is 100% in my favor. They constantly silence black creators. Yes, you can learn a lot through TikTok, but you’re really only learning from the white experience if that’s really all the For You page gives you. I think it’s important to remember that whenever you see a black creator on their For You page, they have to bring up their video by liking, commenting, sharing and subscribing to them. “

Lopez agreed, adding, “I’ve heard anecdotally from several creators that queer color creators are often shaded / less likely to get views due to the way the algorithm is set.”

Find your community

Millennials and tech newbies are getting excited: Aside from its supposed shadow ban, TikTok still functions just like any other social media platform, and you can search for hashtags or watch which accounts your favorite creators are following to get a better understanding. who else you might want to interact with.

Khlapetskaya’s audience, for example, tunes in to see her filming videos promoting what she calls her “dummy” lifestyle – wearing pink, glitter-loving and openly sexy, which is a direct response to what she believes public acknowledgment of abusive behavior. and cisheteronormativity.

After breaking up in a relationship that she defines as abusive, she began making private messages that resonated with others and quickly found a community that made her feel understood and who she tries to make clear in return.

“I started creating content that would empower others, especially women, those who are feminine, members of the LGBT community like me, etc.,” she said.

While memes about doing Kegel exercises, how to “grip the gorilla’s pussy,” and techniques like “Gluck Gluck 9000” can be found all over the For You page, remember that sexuality is not only about education and empowerment, but also any physical attributes or Kamasutra- style advice.

Lopez added: “One of the more positives about TikTok is that if you’re looking for queer or trans content, the algorithm tends to recommend these videos if you start liking them. Finding information about queer sexuality on the Internet can be very difficult, so I think this is a really great place for queer content creators. “

When to start

“Teens usually turn to TikTok because it’s a platform built for them and promoted by teens. In addition, the information is fast, digestible and accessible. Even as a medical journalist, I often turn to TikTok for sources or ideas because the healthcare professionals working for it tend to explain concepts in an easy-to-understand way, ”Lopez said.

So you want to start following the educational, empowering TikTokers yourself and avoid the wayward advice about placing unverified substances near your private parts? Lopez and Khlapecka shared some of their favorites. Try Sexedu , Dr. Jolene Brighten , Griffin Maxwell Brooks , Anania00 , Rajnaverid, and Matt Bernstein .


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