How Safe Is It to Travel?

Vaccines are becoming more available and the number of coronavirus cases is dropping across the country. If you’ve stayed at home all winter, you might be wondering if you can finally go somewhere on vacation. The short answer is: not really. Long answer? Let’s dive in.

CDC still discourages travel

Traveling can increase your chances of contracting COVID-19 and can increase your chances of spreading it to other people. This is still true, and will continue to be so as long as COVID continues to spread in communities.

The CDC has a list of things to ask yourself before you travel . If you are thinking of planning it, be sure to go over the list and be honest with yourself in your answers. (Yes, even if you or others in your life have been vaccinated.) Here are some of these questions:

  • Are you, your family members, or anyone you may be visiting at high risk?
  • Will your travel plans lead to close contact with other people – for example, flying on an airplane or sharing a car with people you don’t live with?
  • Will you be in close contact with people outside your home 14 days before your trip? This includes being in crowds, dining at restaurants, and using public transportation.

If you answer yes to any of these or other questions on the list, the CDC will say that you should avoid non-essential travel. Their recommendations may change as the spread of the community diminishes, but it’s best to be careful for now.

If you are vaccinated, your personal risk is low.

According to the latest CDC guidelines, vaccinated people can visit other vaccinated people and can discreetly visit one unvaccinated family. So can you fly across the country to visit a family you haven’t seen for a year? Not necessary.

First, remember that there is a small chance that you will be able to pass the virus on to others. Therefore, while you do not need to be quarantined after infection, you should still wear masks and take other precautions when around other people.

Second, think about all the people who will be in contact with each other as a result of your trip. If you visit an unvaccinated friend and go out to grab a snack, it may be safe for you , but not safe for your friend or the restaurant staff. And if you take children or other unvaccinated family members with you on vacation, they can easily get the virus and potentially pass it on to others.

Traveling is not an excuse to do things that would otherwise be unsafe.

You see where this is going, right? The rules for when to disguise and what situations to avoid are the same as when you travel at home. Unless you spend hours squeezing into a small room with a bunch of strangers in your hometown, you shouldn’t be doing the same on an airplane.

Travel introduces us to risks that we will not face at home. Two experts recently told NPR they would not travel to states such as Texas and Florida, which have lifted restrictions entirely; the risk is too high.

Travel risks can change over time; things will be a little safer when more people are vaccinated. If you are longing for a “real” vacation, it may be best to start carefully planning something later this year or next, keeping an eye on the cancellation policy just in case.

Traveling outside is still the safest

Does this mean that you cannot travel at all? Depends. Fly away to a party with strangers is strongly discouraged. But if you manage to travel and stay at your destination without coming into close contact with others outside of your family, you have at least a few options.

For example, members of your family (or yours and another, if many of you are vaccinated ) can get into the family car and travel together. This eliminates the risks associated with airports, airplanes and shared travel. Pack snacks or order food along the way to avoid spending time in restaurants.

Where to go? Hotels are fine, but better still is renting a vacation home or staying in a tent or hut where the only people you will have contact with are those you were traveling with. And for walking, instead of restaurants and museums, look for outdoor attractions such as beaches and parks.

Camping work; it can also be a trip to visit the family if everything is planned carefully. For example, it can be a great way to let vaccinated parents finally hug their grandchildren. Whatever you do, be sure to follow all quarantine and testing rules that may apply along the entire route. The more we can stay safe, the sooner we can get back to planning big and ambitious vacations.


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