Restore Your Confidence With These Habits

According to Harvard Health Publishing , self-confidence rises and falls in a bell-shaped curve: as you get older, self-confidence rises, peaks at 60, and then begins to decline. The publication reports a lifelong self-confidence, but self-confidence fluctuates. You can lose confidence by failing on a project at school or work, for example, or by losing a friend or loved one, so what can you do when you are in an especially tough rut? Here’s a routine to help you regain this loss of confidence.

Make your morning routine

Regular morning routine, dedicated to care for themselves, full of benefits for health , such as increased productivity and energy levels, as well as reducing stress; In turn, higher productivity and reduced stress levels can help boost self-confidence. Plus, taking care of your body and mind can help motivate positive thoughts and boost self-esteem.

Your morning routine can be as long as you choose, as long as it is consistent. Try starting small: make your bed, find regular skin care, or meditate. Whatever your daily routine, be sure to set aside enough time so you don’t feel rushed as you try to prepare for your day.

Choose your affirmations

You can reinforce your healthy habits before taking on daily responsibilities by using habitual mental exercises that can boost self-esteem and improve brain function. They only need to do small tasks on a daily basis to create a template and take advantage of them, so consider daily statements as a great starting point. Healthline has posted a list of the best motivation apps of 2020 to help you do just that – some apps include daily affirmations, while others offer activities that fit your personality and lifestyle. Try to achieve a sequence of these exercises to bounce back and bring about a longer lasting change in your mood.

Learn positive speech

When I feel particularly inadequate, it can be difficult to turn negative conversations into positive ones. But finding ways to get rid of these negative thoughts is part and parcel of lifting up from falling confidence. VeryWell Mind offers several alternative statements that you can use when you feel pessimistic:

  • Instead of telling yourself, “I can’t handle this” or “This is impossible,” try reminding yourself that “You can do it” or “All I have to do is try.”
  • Instead of telling yourself, “I can’t do anything right,” when you make a mistake, remind yourself, “I’ll do better next time,” or “at least I learned something.”
  • Instead of saying that you “hate” public speaking, use softer language such as “dislike” and remind yourself that “everyone has strengths and weaknesses.”

Keep a gratitude journal

A gratitude journal is a place where you can write down a list of things you are grateful for, usually daily or weekly. As you get into the habit of writing down your gratitude, your brain will naturally develop the skill to find areas of your day that you will be grateful for. As Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., shared with Greater Good Magazine , “Aim for depth, not breadth. A detailed discussion of a particular thing you are grateful for is more helpful than a cursory list of many things. ” The more grateful you are, the more likely you are to regain confidence that there are good things in your life and that you deserve them.


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