Record Yourself on Video When You Enjoy Watching, When You Are Sad

The thought of recording a video for yourself in the future sounds silly, prompting thoughts of third grade when you may have been asked to write a letter to an adult.

But everyone experiences emotional ups and downs, especially during this historic pandemic, so it’s good to be able to remind you in the future what it means to be happy, even if you need to look at the camera and call yourself to do so. Looking into a happier past can show you that things can and will get better again.

This is why you should consider talking to yourself on camera and saving the video for a later, darker time. It is a useful tool to use when life seems bleak and hard to remember otherwise.

Seeing yourself in a better mood is living proof

Depression can suppress any idea of ​​light at the end of the tunnel. If the feeling of hard work is too much, then looking at yourself in a happier time can be living proof that bad times will eventually pass their course. Self-image, as opposed to verbal reassurances made by a friend, family member, or therapist, can be a powerful balm. This is not a vague idea of ​​overcoming emotional failure, but a real life example of how you live in happier times.

Basically, this is the same as positive self-talk, albeit one that you gave yourself in the past to save for future use. While this does not come naturally for many, positive thinking and self-talk have many benefits. Hearing why you have reasons to be grateful and what to expect can go even further than hearing it from someone else.

Tell yourself it will get better

Unless you are an influential person who is constantly sitting around and alone, you may feel uncomfortable talking on the phone with your camera on. So practice this. If necessary, try doing a couple of takes to get it right in the end.

As you write your message, focus on why you are happy at this moment. Think about the things you are grateful for and what exactly brought you to the point where you feel good. You don’t need to sugarcoat anything – in fact, it’s best to acknowledge that you are writing this message for a future that you might be struggling with. But above all, explain in the video that happiness can be brought back, and that despite the sometimes wavering emotional path you need to navigate, things can and will get better.

This video is just insurance – a pledge of the future that you can forget about until you need it. It probably won’t be enough to cure a long-standing bout of depression – there are many professionals out there to help with this – but with assurances from yourself in a free and natural state of happiness, you can change the world for the better when you need it. …


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