Why You Can (and Should) Start Learning Martial Arts Later in Life

In the Western world, especially the United States, martial arts tend to be stereotyped: either eight-year-olds learning karate punching or bloodthirsty brawlers hoping to compete in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. But the beliefs that define mainstream popular martial arts concepts are untrue, and there are many reasons why normal, well-adjusted adults might benefit from starting their martial arts later in life. And you don’t have to bow to a fifth grader if you’ve decided to take up martial arts after your 30th birthday.

Learning gives you tangible goals.

Children train in martial arts for a variety of reasons, such as to build self-esteem and protect themselves from bullies, but in most cases their training is extracurricular activities that are tantamount to daycare. At the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) school, where I have been training for the past eight years, many children come and go, and only a few of them take up sports seriously enough to play competitively in their teens and later years.

But martial arts training is a practice in which tangible rewards are tied to merit. If you choose to train in a discipline based on belt rankings – BJJ, judo, taekwando, karate and many other martial arts use belt systems – you may find additional incentive to level up. Also, in some martial arts like BJJ, where there is a solid competitive formation, you can train to compete. Chasing medals and awards in competition may seem like catnip to some martial artists, and you may find that competition adds an exciting sense of meaning to your life.

Other than that, however, various martial arts and other amazing disciplines such as boxing and Thai kickboxing (Thai kickboxing) can put you in fantastic shape. Many people have a hard time finding seductive ways to exercise when they come of age, but martial arts give you a reason to keep coming back even if your butt gets kicked because you learn and improve with every minute you spend in the gym. …

You will build a community

It is sometimes difficult for adults to create a community outside of traditional social settings. However, when it comes down to it, you may not be spending as much time hanging out in bars before the supposed community you create collapses without alcohol.

Personally, I have met so many interesting people that I would never have known had it not been for my foray into wrestling and punching. It’s easier to get to know someone when you study together and push each other to get better with each workout. If you are as dedicated to the craft as anyone else, you invariably spend a lot of time together and possibly form strong bonds.

You will build faith in yourself

The notion of a mid-life or quarter-life crisis is a cliché, but it is nonetheless a term that people often use to describe something like a spiritual void that strikes adults. Of course, knocking or punching in a roundabout won’t solve all problems, but achieving goals is a great way to build self-esteem and motivation for the future.

Moreover, you will learn how to develop a sense of resilience under stress. Exercising can be grueling (if you take it seriously) and you may find yourself in more physical stress than ever before, but you will also find that you have the fortitude to keep going in the face of that stress, and that you can stay calm in the tension of sparring. While this is implied, it’s worth mentioning that consistent training in any discipline will help you protect yourself if it comes to that.

But be sure to listen to your body.

If you’re starting out as an adult, keep in mind that we are no longer children with bouncy limbs and bodies that heal in a staggering amount of time. To do this, listen to your body. If you feel that the pulling pain will get worse and may cause injury, take a week off (or as much as you need). Longevity should be the goal here, and treating your body like you were 17 won’t help that.


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