What’s New on HBO Max in March 2021

You might think you’ve seen Justice League , but have you seen Zach Snyder’s Justice League ? If you’re generally interested in comics, movies, or disturbing thoughts about the internet troll subculture , and you’ve been online in the last four years, you’re probably well aware of what’s in store for us. Zach Snyder’s Justice League will finally premiere on March 18 on Zach Snyder’s HBO Max , years after Not Zach Snyder’s Justice League hit hard in theaters. As recently revealed in a lengthy interview with Snyder in Variety magazine , original Justice League director Zach Snyder (then simply the Justice League ) bumped into Warner Bros. during filming before leaving the DC franchise entirely after a family tragedy. – at this point, Joss Whedon stepped in to “consult about reshoots,” and ended up reshooting a whopping 75% of them, presumably because he decided the internet no longer hates him enough for being a pseudo-feminist member and forces Age of Ultron (since then he has only continued to dig himself a deeper hole ).

But now, finally, after years and about $ 70 million in new special effects, we can finally experience Zach Snyder’s vision of Zach Snyder’s Justice League . I haven’t watched any of the mainstream DC movies, for example, other than half of the first Wonder Woman, so I have a long way to go if I want to truly understand the whole dirty saga of Zach Snyder. HBO Max also premieres Godzilla vs. Kong (March 31st), which looks at least as ridiculous and will require almost as much homework from me before I can watch it properly (by that I mean, consistently with the rest of film). franchise, as opposed to “in a very noisy theater”, although they are also played – but by then I will not be vaccinated).

Here’s a list of everything HBO Max is coming (and going) in March 2021. Titles with (HBO) next to them are available on HBO and HBO Max; everything else is exclusive to HBO Max.


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