Coping With Your Child’s Fear of Gunshots

There is no timeline yet when the coronavirus vaccine will be considered safe and affordable for children under 16. However, you should still support them with their regular health checks and immunization schedules, even as we continue to work on it. pandemic.

For some children (and adults), even the thought of this needle can cause panic. They will probably never enjoy getting the shot, but you can help reduce their anxiety with a little preparation.

Prepare them

Jumping on a child when he is old enough to know what it is and showing some anxiety about it is usually not a good idea. I didn’t offer information when my son was very young and hardly aware of what was going on; but by the time he was old enough to ask if he was going to get an injection, I answered honestly.

It is important to explain to children in plain language why the injection is important (“It protects you from certain illnesses that can cause you serious illness”), acknowledge any concerns they have about it (“You seem to be feeling a little insecure. , I will be by your side all the time “), and I will honestly tell you what they will experience. The shot feels painful for some people, even if it is only for a moment; saying they “won’t feel anything” is not necessarily true and can make them feel like you lied to them. Instead, focus on the brevity of the discomfort: “It hurts for just a second, like a pinch, and then you’re done.”

You may want to choose a relaxation technique or breathing exercise that you can do together when it is time for them to give the shot, such as counting from three to three, singing a favorite song, or taking a few deep breaths together. Be sure to voice any relaxation technique you have practiced to the doctor or nurse before they are ready to give the injection. If you do not, the doctor may give your child instructions that are contrary to what you were doing, which could be confusing.

It’s also worth noting that if they don’t show any anxiety about getting the shot, there is no need for extensive preparation – this will only make them think that perhaps they really have something to worry about. Follow their lead in this question.

Give them some control

Vaccination can be a concern, even in adults. And the central part of the experience, or not actually getting shot is not in their control. But there are many other options you can allow them to do to help them feel like they are directing the action, rather than being forced to act against their will. For starters, before you leave home, ask them if they have anything to comfort them, such as a stuffed animal or favorite blanket, that they would like to take with them to squeeze or distract.

When you enter the examination room, let them sit on your lap or on their own. They can choose which hand to inject and which adhesive tape will cover it. (If you’re not sure if their doctor will have a set of patches, you can bring one from home and they can choose between yours and the doctor.) If you both get the flu shot, ask if they have any. ” I want to see as you go first and they will help you show courage. I’m not suggesting you overwhelm them with a ton of options, but letting them have their say on a couple of these things can ease the feeling of helplessness.

But perhaps most importantly: stay calm throughout the entire process. Watching your child experience fear or pain can be heartbreaking, but they will be fueled, at least in part, by your own emotions. If you look anxious, it can make them even more nervous. Encourage them throughout the experience and then praise them for their bravery.

Finish with some kind of treat

There are different views on whether it is okay to reward a child with treats or always bad. I personally go to the camp “I will not give you bribes to behave well, but I will celebrate your courage after you do the hard thing” – and it takes courage to inject when you are afraid of this needle.

Not all treats need to be accompanied by a cheap plastic toy or splashed on. You can promise to play their favorite movie when you get home, or play their favorite game after dinner. Maybe you can take a stroll around the playground after they meet, or add bubbles to their evening bath. You can focus your “pleasure” on either what they enjoy doing or something that will comfort them.


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