How Much Will a Divorce Cost You?

Despite the fact that 39% of marriages end in divorce, it is clear that people do not expect a divorce on their first marriage. And for this reason, many do not know about the costs – the divorce proceedings can cost you from several hundred dollars to tens of thousands, depending on the situation. Here’s a look at why he fluctuates so widely.

How much can you expect to pay?

According to a NOLO survey , you can expect to pay an average of $ 7,500 for a divorce if you use the services of a lawyer. Divorce costs vary depending on the lawyer’s rates, where you live, and whether or not you actually decide the divorce in court.

How much does uncontested divorce cost?

Uncontested divorce is faster and cheaper because there are no court hearings. The couple have already agreed on how they will split their assets, which will allow them to file the divorce agreement directly with the courts. Then the settlement agreement is approved by the judge. In some states, the process is very simplistic, and while you don’t technically need a lawyer to make an uncontested divorce, many still turn to their specialists, sometimes just to review and explain the documents.

At a minimum, an uncontested divorce will require filing costs that average $ 300 ( see here for a list of filing costs in your state).

How much does a mediated divorce cost ?

Another option, which is a little more complicated, is mediation , in which the lawyer acts as a third-party mediator (a variation of this is known as joint divorce ). There is no court or judgment here – it is just a way to resolve some outstanding issues without wasting time in court. According to a NOLO survey, those who applied for mediation spent an average of $ 970 on mediation.

How much does a contested divorce cost?

If necessary, a lawyer will act as your defense attorney in court, negotiating on your behalf about custody, support and division of assets. Generally, the more difficult the case, the more you will spend. This is why 90% of contested divorces are usually settled before they go to court. According to Legal Zoom :

Typically, you will need to pay your divorce attorney an advance or down payment of between $ 2,500 and $ 5,000 . Your lawyer will charge you this fee until you run out of money. After that, you may have to pay an additional fee, or your attorney may bill you by the hour. The average hourly wages for a lawyer are between $ 150 and $ 400 per hour .

The costs go up when you go to court – you’ll pay more for attorney fees, legal fees for child custody professionals, tax advisors, real estate appraisers, and other experts. According to a NOLO survey , divorce agreements resulting from dispute resolution cost an average of $ 10,600 , but that amount almost doubles if the divorce goes to trial, and costs an average of $ 20,379 .

It is no surprise to anyone that divorce proceedings are costly. However, if there is a contentious disagreement over a relatively small asset, you should make sure that it justifies the cost of the lengthy litigation.


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