How to Find a New Job in 2021, With Ramit Sethi

The pandemic has created a nightmarish work scenario for many of us this year – whether we have had to drastically cut wages, lose our jobs entirely, or get stuck in a job we hate. Is there any hope when the job market looks as bleak as it does now? Personal finance expert (and friend of The Upgrade) Ramit Sethi says yes.

Ramit joins us this week to talk about how to get this shiny new job in a tough economy using a step-by-step approach. Hear Ramit’s advice on how to write a great resume and cover letter, how to understand what your dream job really is, and how to negotiate even if you don’t think you have the leverage.

Ramit is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, I’ll Teach You To Be Rich , and his website,, now offers a new course, Dream Job .

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Highlights from this week’s series

From an interview with Ramit Sethi:

On the details that most job seekers usually overlook when looking for a new job:

[We] have allocated three career seasons. First, when I was 20, I was ready to work 60 hours a week, on Saturdays, Sundays. No problem. I had a growing season , okay? I want to grow. I want to develop my career, earn money, increase my fame. At some point, some of us moved on to a lifestyle . Maybe I want to take care of kids or elderly parents or I just want to ski more. It’s a way of life. Finally, we have all heard stories about a lawyer who decided that I wanted to become a beekeeper. This is a new invention . So, in order to find your dream job, you first need to really look inside and recognize who you are … So you can see how when most people go to a job search site, they literally just type in words and let the algorithm drive it. But looking for a dream job starts from the inside. Who am I? What do I want?

On how to write a stronger resume:

Your resume is something that you have complete control over. Most people don’t have a narrative when they post their resume. It’s just, “Here are some facts about what I did.” I would challenge people to do a ten second resume test. Close your eyes, look at your resume for ten seconds, and then put it aside and answer the question: Who is this person? So if your resume doesn’t tell you exactly who you are and what you’ve accomplished, this is an opportunity for you.

On how you should think about when negotiating salaries:

This is a business, not a personal one. And even if it was personal, think about what you are talking about. You think you are communicating, “Oh, I’m afraid. Do you think you can raise my salary? “You are actually saying,” I am valuable. You will be lucky with me. And I am interested in this work. And I think we could be a great partner together. ” This is high competence. So you need to really change the way you approach this job. If you chase it out of fear, of course, you will be screwed up. But you need to learn the skills of the best performers, research the winners, and that’s how you get the job done for the winners.

For more advice from Ramit on how to find and make money in your dream job, we recommend listening to the entire episode.

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Episode transcript


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