Grubhub Can Deliver Cookies for Girl Scouts [Updated]

There is no better season than Girl Scout Cookie Season. It’s time to get back to your favorite fundraising treats. I’m talking about fine mints, caramel d-litas, tagalongs, and doo-si-do. Every year, enterprising young girl scouts are assigned to sell cookies to raise money for their troops. The use of cookies helps to improve the financial literacy of scouts and teach them modern business skills . Today’s youth are particularly well positioned to become tech tycoons in the cookie trade, as the pandemic means they will run more and more of their business through online sales – and now even in partnership with food delivery service Grubhub. Here are the different ways to order cookies online this year.

Use Grubhub

Girl Scout cookies are available for purchase nationwide using the online food delivery app Grubhub. Simply register or log into the app and enter your zip code or address to find a Girl Scout squad in your area. Delivery will be from 16:00 to 19:00 . daily, right to your door. Grubhub has partnered with 100 of the country’s 111 Girl Scout Tips to deliver cookies through the app. Please use the cookie finder website to find out where you can get girls scout cookies. Each council chooses a different start date for the shipping partnership. If you cannot find cookies in your area through GrubHub, it may mean that the trip in your city or village has not started yet. Contact your local Girl Scout Council for more information on GrubHub logistics and delivery times.

The goal of the cookie program is to raise money for young people to travel, earn badges and acquire life skills. For this reason, Grubhub is forgoing the fee so that local troops receive the full revenue from your purchase.

If Grubhub can’t serve your nearest city, don’t worry, you can still find a cookie seller in your area.

Use the Girl Scout Cookie Finder app to place orders with your regular supplier

Download your own Girl Scout Cookies App for Android and iOS . Enter your zip code and find the local squad or scout you want to support. The app was launched five years ago to allow cookie sales to expand and become digital, and to help Girl Scouts learn more about today’s world of sales and online business by tracking their orders and handling online delivery. As the Girl Scout website explains, “This gives her access to even more tools that teach her marketing, budgeting, resource allocation and other important business skills, encouraging and guiding her on the path to cookie boss success.” … “

Take advantage of additional bonuses

When ordering cookies online this year, you will have the option to donate one or two boxes to frontline workers . Yes, nurses, emergency doctors and other first aid providers can enjoy free delicious cookies in appreciation for the tremendous work they do during the pandemic. If anyone deserves a treat, it is they.

Updated {January 15, 2021} {11:40}: This story has been updated with the updated Grubhub partnership information.


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