9 Ways to Make a Dry January Less Bleak

“Dry January” – like its sister month “Sober October” – is marked by a sudden influx of annoying letters from the public. Seltzers, sodas, teas, and juices fill my inbox with all kinds of drink “recipes” for people trying not to drink. Most of them are tricky, but knowing how to make a trendy non-alcoholic cocktail with certain ingredients isn’t the key to being sober for even a month.

There are many reasons to stop drinking alcohol for a month, and they are all valid. But different people have different needs that they need to satisfy while they are abstaining. Some may drink seltzer water and forget about drinking entirely, while others may find that they need to recreate the drinking ritual, or at least create a flavorful drink for themselves to replace a cocktail. I have several strategies for the latter group, none of which involve bitters and soda (or depend on a single recipe with very specific ingredients).


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