Mix Protein Powder With Yogurt

I will be honest about protein powder on a lot of issues. This makes the oatmeal gooey and tastes like everything except smoothies (where it’s mostly hidden in the ingredients). But there is one dish of real food where it really feels like home is the bowl of yogurt.

If you’re trying to include more protein in your diet, whether it’s for muscle building, weight loss support, or exercising , you’re probably familiar with the humble protein powder. There are many types, and I personally swear by the giant jar of unscented whey that sits under my kitchen counter. I’ll mix it with water for a quick dose of protein to make my macros at the end of the day, or almond milk for an easy-to-digest pre-workout snack. But sometimes a person just wants to eat real food.

Then join me in mixing the powder with yogurt. The flavor and texture are excellent and the numbers are good too. Here’s what I mean: The protein content of yogurt varies by brand, but let’s take as an example the 2% Greek yogurt I eat for breakfast most of the morning. A six-ounce serving contains approximately 16 grams of protein. Add a scoop of whey powder – I have 24 grams of protein per scoop – and you have up to 40 grams in a whole bowl. That’s about a third of the amount of protein I need per day (including muscle growth, hey I’m dumb) at just 247 calories. On top, I add berries, honey, and sometimes nuts.

How to make protein yogurt

All you need is a bowl, some yogurt, and a spoonful of protein powder. (Don’t expect to mix the two ingredients in a small cup that includes yogurt; they won’t fit.)

The first time you try it, you may momentarily think that you made a terrible mistake by adding a scoop of protein. In terms of volume, the powder is not inferior to yogurt; the powder is so dry and the yogurt is so thick (especially if you choose a good Greek yogurt like me) it might seem like they will never merge. But keep stirring and a miracle happens. In just 10-15 seconds, the powder will disappear into the yogurt and you are left with a smooth, creamy mixture.

I find the whey softens the yoghurt flavor a bit, making it less pungent. In fact, I prefer the mixture over yogurt; it’s creamier too. I use plain, unflavored and unsweetened whey powder, so I cannot guarantee that it will work with other types or flavors of protein. But I can report that unflavored whey mixes satisfactorily with any flavor or type of yogurt, so try it for your next breakfast or snack.


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