How to Clean and Disinfect a Humidifier Because There Is Probably Too Much Dirt

Moisturizers can make breathing and sleeping more comfortable in winter by creating a mild mist that can help with any problems, from dry sinuses and blood in the nose to chapped lips and skin. But if you don’t clean your humidifier regularly, it can lead to the growth of mold or bacteria and make you feel worse, especially if you (or someone in your family) have asthma or allergies.

In fact, dirty moisturizers can make people sick even if they don’t have asthma or allergies. This is because inhaling air contaminated with bacteria and / or mold can cause flu symptoms or even lung infection, according to the Mayo Clinic . Here’s what you need to know about cleaning and disinfecting your humidifier so you can reap all the benefits without the hassle.

Types of humidifiers

While some homes have a central humidifier built into their heating and cooling system, the humidifiers we are going to focus on are portable, which you can buy at the pharmacy. There are several different types of humidifiers, including evaporative humidifiers (which blow air through a damp wick filter), steam humidifiers (which use electricity to create steam that is cooled before leaving the car), and cold mist humidifiers (which produce water at room temperature) … … Vaporizers and vaporizers may be less likely to release airborne allergens than cooling mist humidifiers, according to the Mayo Clinic.

How to clean a humidifier

First, check if your humidifier comes with any specific operating and / or cleaning instructions that you must follow. If not, use this method, which has been tested by the Better Homes and Gardens team:


  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Soft bristled brush or toothbrush
  • Liquid chlorine bleach
  • Water

Step 1. Disassemble the humidifier

Unplug it, empty the water tank and remove all removable parts (including the air filter, if you have one).

Step 2: clean it up

Per Better Homes and Gardens :

Pour enough white vinegar into the reservoir of the humidifier to cover the areas most in contact with water. Depending on the size of your humidifier (and how much time has passed between cleanings), you can also dilute the vinegar with warm water for a less concentrated cleaning solution. Place small pieces, such as a tank lid, in a large container filled with vinegar to soak. Wait at least 20 minutes for the vinegar to remove any limescale deposits.

Then empty the humidifier and use a soft-bristled brush (the toothbrush works!) To clean up any debris or residue.

Step 3. Disinfect it

Mix 1 teaspoon of liquid chlorine bleach with 1 gallon of cold water and fill the humidifier reservoir about half full. Stir the solution to coat the inside, then let it sit for 20 minutes. This should kill any remaining bacteria.

Step 4: rinse and dry

Rinse each part of the humidifier under running water several times until you stop smelling the bleach. Then let the parts air dry before reassembling the humidifier.

Clean the humidifier at least once a week while using it, and then once (thoroughly) before putting it away for the season.


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