Hey, the USDA 2020 Dietary Guidelines Are Finally Out.

The U.S. government issues dietary guidelines every five years, and the 2020 edition just came out yesterday. No major change, but babies and toddlers are on for the first time, and we are reminded again that we almost all eat too much sugar.

Diet guidelines form the basis of what goes into federal programs like school lunches, but few actually follow them. The government says the average American’s diet is only 59% in line with the guidelines. And while the recommendations are always conflicting in one way or another, we all would probably be a little better off if we ate more the way they say we should.

In the current edition, there is no picture of a pyramid or plate, only tips like the following “four basic principles”:

  • Follow a healthy diet at all stages of life.
  • Choose and enjoy nutrient-rich foods and beverages based on personal preference, cultural background and budgetary considerations.
  • Focus on meeting the needs of the food group with nutrient-rich foods and drinks and stay within the calorie range.
  • Limit foods and drinks high in added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium, and limit your intake of alcoholic beverages.

In terms of specifics, each added sugar and saturated fat is limited to 10% of calories starting at 2 years of age; Sodium should be less than 2,300 milligrams per day (less if you are under 14), and the maximum number of servings per day is one for women and two for men. This is a day, not an average week.

According to the USDA, nutrient-rich foods include “vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seafood, eggs, beans, peas and lentils, unsalted nuts and seeds, low-fat and low-fat dairy products, and lean meats and poultry. »When cooked without excess sugar, fat or sodium.

There are recommendations for pregnant or lactating people, as well as for the elderly. This set of guidelines is also the first to include infants and toddlers, and we’ve reported on guidelines for toddlers as discussed earlier this year.


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