Make a Boring Decision

Resolutions are overrated and we all know that. Even if you enjoy setting high goals for the new year, simply announcing a decision is not the same as making a plan for how to get there. But you know what? You don’t have to do that either. Make a decision this year – small and boring as hell.

After all, 2020 has been tough enough that we don’t know what 2021 will bring. You don’t need to redo your life; just pick one thing that will be a slight improvement. If you stick to it, you will be much better off than if you start out and abandon the grand plan for self-improvement.

For example: once our editor-in-chief Alice Bradley decided to make the bed every morning. She says that not only was it a favorite decision she made over the years, but she has continued to make it ever since. “These little things really go a long way to the quality of your life,” she adds.

We say something like “eat more fruit”. You don’t change your diet, you just eat an apple a day. Or “keep my desk in order.” Not the whole house , just a table. In other words, we are looking for something that is not only easy to do, but also completely boring. Something that doesn’t tempt you to brag on social media. Something that no one likes but yourself.

For me it will be curls. Every brother in the gym does biceps curls, but I keep forgetting. Curls won’t change my body or my life, but they will make me stronger and I’ve heard they are good for elbows. So, in 2020, it’s time to add this one, boring and easy exercise to your routine once or twice a week.


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