Learn How to Swear in 15 Languages From Samuel L. Jackson

It is not uncommon for celebrities to lend their votes and talents to help them get to the polls, especially during presidential election years. But this one is a little different because it includes Samuel L. Jackson offering a swearing masterclass in 15 different languages. If this is not enough to verify the status of voter registration, we do not know what it is. Here’s how to learn the international curse from the best in business.

How to take a curse lesson from Samuel L. Jackson

It all started on September 14 when Jackson tweeted that if 2,500 people clicked on his HeadCount page to check their voter registration status, he would teach us how to swear in 15 different languages.

Unsurprisingly, it didn’t take long to reach his goal. In fact, a Headcount spokesman told Thrillist that during the day Jackson prompted 8,060 people to check their voter registration status.

And the very next day, as promised, Jackson taught us the greatest lesson in swearing. “You came and stood for our voter action goals,” he said in a video of the curse lesson. “Now it’s time for me to fulfill my side of this deal. Let’s swear in 15 languages. “

In the nearly two-minute video, Jackson swears in Basque, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Swahili, Nepali, Icelandic, Maori, Jamaican Patua, Haitian, Czech, Esperanto, Bemba, Catalan, Brazilian Portuguese, and Thai.

As he takes us on a gloriously nasty journey through the world, Jackson holds up a tablet with a cursed word written in each language, while identifying the language. However, it does not provide specific translations for each word, so you can watch it to know exactly what you are saying to someone when you use your new vocabulary words.


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