Help a Young Man Prepare to Vote With This News Guide

A new generation of young people will (hopefully) vote en masse this November, but before they do, we need to make sure they (and we!) Are ready to find reliable sources of candidate information in the weeks leading up to the election. Day. A good place to start: The new Common Sense Media guide for young voters on social media and news .

The guide includes tools for finding reliable sources of information about candidates, voting, and elections, as well as suggestions for how voters can help influence elections, tools for teachers, and additional resources for parents .

Guidance is based on expert opinions about how we can trust the breaking news that we see on the web, you need to check before you share political news, and how the various social media platforms to cope with the influx of political information, videos and memes. In one of the videos about deepfakes and democracy, Honey Farid, a computer science professor at the University of California at Berkeley, describes deepfakes as “Photoshop on steroids”:

“There is a lot of information, and it is your responsibility to consume as much as possible in order to make an informed decision,” says Farid in the video . “It may never be perfect, but you should at least put in the effort. Resist the temptation to think that you really know what’s going on. Understand what you don’t know is just as important as understanding what you know. “

To prepare for the onslaught of complete nonsense ahead of us, read the complete guide and then share it with all the young voters in your life.


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