Spend Your Long Weekend With Sparkling Adonis

Well, okay, if this isn’t just another ‘holiday weekend’, it doesn’t really feel like a holiday because we are in the midst of a lot of crises and barbecues and parties seem like a banal retro custom that we can never take part in. … again.

Everything is fine. Things are good! I will take an extra day and I will enjoy it. Maybe read a book. Maybe I’ll go outside. Maybe I’ll have a cocktail while browsing Twitter. Maybe I’ll go yell at some of the alt-right weaklings who insist on coming to town every weekend, even if they don’t live here. In fact, there are a lot of options.

Anyway, if you do decide to sip on cocktails, it should be a little special considering this is a holiday weekend and all. Even though this isn’t an actual Labor Day (it would be May Day or International Workers Day), it’s still an extra day where we don’t have to work, so indulge in something luxurious, fun, and bubbly.

Sparkling cocktails look very festive because the bubbles are mostly gaseous glitter, and that glitter can be added to existing cocktails to create a spritz version of this cocktail. This works especially well with libations with copious vermouth (a stronger drink like a martini or Manhattan might seem odd). just add three ounces of bubbles to two or three ounces of anything other than bubbles. My current favorite (as of last night) is sparkling adonis because it sounds so sexy and tastes like sherry. It’s a little sweet, a little almondy, quite sparkling, and has a wine strength, so you can sip a few of them without spilling too much. To make sparkling adonis you will need:

  • 1 1/2 ounce Fino sherry
  • 30 g sweet vermouth
  • 2 1/2 oz sparkling wine

Chill everything beforehand – you should still keep all of these ingredients in the refrigerator – then pour the first two ingredients into a champagne glass and stir a little. Add sparkling wine, take a sip and repeat if necessary.


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