How to Choose Your First Seat Belt

Before I go over how to find the best strap for you, let’s be clear on one thing: in this household, we don’t say “tie.”

Pegging is a general term where cis women fuck cis men in the ass with a strapon. I don’t care which hole you put your cock, cock, dildo or cock into, but around those parts we do not limit the endless pleasures of penetrative sex to a specific body type, and we do not use euphemisms to defend certain sexual practices from homosexual practices. “Pegging” is a linguistic attempt to separate heterosexual men from receptive anal sex or “anal sex,” which may seem a little indecent to some people. These people are cowards. Don’t be like these people.

If you enjoy hands-free penetrative sex or want to enjoy it, I’m here to help! Only on condition that we talk about it as adults. If you want to use a strap-on to fuck or fuck in one of the many delicious holes that human beings have to offer, you will do so without being cisheteronormative, thank you very much.

While seat belts are most commonly associated with “strapping” or sex between queer-cis women, the harness is available for trans, non-binary and cis people of all body types and sexual orientations. As someone who is solely a leader these days ( top is gay for a performer, penetrator and / or person who has sex), I use mine for vaginal, anal and oral sex with my partners, but this is not the only way to be successful. I used to date someone who liked me buckling up while they trample me because we both enjoyed playing with my purely decorative dildo.

When it comes to how best to lay your pipe with a strap, you need to find the harness that best suits you and your desires.

What are my options?

Generally speaking, there are two types of buckled equipment: with straps or straps and without straps.

Belts come in a wide variety of styles: 3-strap or jock , 2-strap or thong and corset. They also come in a variety of materials including cotton, leather, lace, latex, and nylon. The advantage of belts is that you can adjust them to fit your waist and hips, which means you have more options to customize the fit. Depending on the quality of the harness, the material it is made from, and how well you take care of it, harnesses can last a long time, so it’s wise to consider your own as an investment for years to come. Some advise experimenting with cheaper seat belts to make sure you like them before moving on to the more upgraded version, because with belt accessories, like everything else, you get what you pay for.

Short strap-ons or underwear have their advantages. While they are easier to clean and less expensive than harness straps, they are very comfortable – you can even wear them as underwear – they don’t offer the support that straps provide, which means they are not ideal for large, heavy dildos. … The fabric can also stretch during sex or after prolonged wear, so your fabric may no longer fit over time. You might consider buying a size smaller than you might need; my friend does this to give herself more control while she does it.

There are also straps that attach to other parts of the body, such as the thigh, foot, or face, as well as a strapless strap (a toy that is definitely not for me, but might be for you!) Which is not. It’s not even technically a leash. It’s a fun alternative to old-fashioned fucking, and is also useful for people who can’t push from their hips.

How do I choose the best strap-on?

Unfortunately, going to a local sex shop is not for everyone, even in the best of circumstances. With COVID-19, this is a higher order than ever. However, buying your first seat belt in person is your best bet. Sex shop staff can answer your questions about different brands, prices and sizes; You can also try it on before purchasing from the store. If buying in person isn’t possible, your next best bet to shop online is to do your research, reach out to online customer service whenever possible, and double-check your return policies before your order is placed.

A more expensive option is to have a custom made strap, although some tanners such as the world famous Mr. S Leather , have suspended custom orders or slowed production significantly due to COVID-19. Some workers tanners belonging Queer still accept individual orders or will soon be opened, for example Switch Company About enterprise | Leather A , Boundaries Leather A , WildWolf Leatherwork and Magnolia Leather Co.

Regardless of where you buy a strap, think carefully about what you are looking for before making your purchase. Will you be the only one wearing it? Your answer will affect your calibration needs. How often will you use it? Your answer will affect how often it needs to be cleaned, which may affect which material you choose. What size toys do you want to use? Make sure the O-ring holding your dildo is the correct size.

Like any other industry, the world of sex toys is characterized by phobia, transphobia, and ailism. Fortunately, there are seat belts designed or better suited for obese people , trans women and transfeminists , people with disabilities and people with erectile dysfunction, or those who are unable to use their genitals in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Find toys compatible with your harness

You may already have dildos, but that doesn’t mean they can fit into the harness of your choice. This is one of those cases where size matters: dildos that are compatible with seat belts need to fit the O-ring and have a base that allows them to fit against your body.

Even dildos of the right size are not always easy to insert. Can’t squeeze one of your big boys in there? Try covering the dildo with a plastic trash bag, as it will pass through the O-ring more easily on slippery surfaces.

Some straps are designed to handle more than one dildo, which is fine (just remember that more power comes with a lot of responsibility). Many belts also come with pockets for bullet vibrators, which can cause a sensation for both the giver and the receiver, no matter what kind of trash they are in.

Learning to use it

Finally, the fun part! While exploring your new harness with your partner (s) is certainly one way to master a new toy, practice – and pleasure – is not limited to sex with other people. Wearing it at home or using it during personal masturbation are both ways to get used to it as a temporary extension of your body. Sharing with a partner if that’s what you like and testing your leash from the business side is another way to get to know your new setup. However, there is no better way to relax than to get down to business.


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