Money Saving Tips Every College Student Should Know

While the U.S. coronavirus may be declining, the threat of new cases still persists, especially among college students . With the added health issue – and fewer safe ways to communicate – you may not have enough energy to look for ways to save money this fall. Luckily, a new thread has arrived on Reddit with some of the best free, low-cost resources for students. Here are some of the highlights.

Try using open source tutorials

The average college student spent a whopping $ 1,240 on books and supplies last year, according to the College Board . Reddit user RAWkWAHL recommends trying open source tutorials, also known as open education resources, which are available for free online. Popular options might include OpenStax , Open Textbook Library , MERLOT, and Bookboon . There’s a long list of other places to get free access to open source textbooks – here .

See What Your Student Fees Cover

User Reddit wazzle13 offers to spend time trying to learn about board fees. Depending on the school, you may have access to medical services (including free condoms !), Fitness centers, transportation, and more. Once you know what you are paying for, you are more likely to use these services.

You may also notice the coronavirus fees this semester , which unfortunately may be inevitable due to more tests on campus. But you can call your health insurance company to see if they will reimburse you.

Ask if you are eligible for anything at the awards office

Another easy task: inquire about scholarships and grants through your school’s awards office. Reddit user billbapapa says many awards go unclaimed every year because students don’t apply for them. While you may not be a good fit for some – you won’t know until you ask. You can visit the awards office in person or search for awards online.

Take advantage of the career center

You should also spend time at your school’s Career Center before your final semester. Reddit user peacharnoldpalmer says they can help with your resume, cover letter, interviews, and networking, which can help you find the best internships. According to Reddit user fly-no-fox, some schools may have funds to help you put together a professional wardrobe, and offer free fancy paper and free thank you cards.

Look for free food activities

Reddit user mywifemademegetthis offers endless on-campus activities with free meals if you take a look at your school’s calendars. Student event groups often sponsor events by offering pizza or other free snacks. While the coronavirus has weakened large gatherings, a Tea- Times Reddit user says their school is currently offering free food vouchers. These features can be especially helpful if you live off-campus without a meal plan.


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