We Drink Corn Milk Punch

“What’s the matter with you and the corn lately?” my boyfriend asked me this morning, rather rudely. It was not yet nine o’clock, and I just announced that I would be making corn milk punch (for work), thus continuing my 2020 corn campaign for Cornplete Cornification (in the face of many adversities , I might add).

As many of you know, my latest corn obsession is Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s Sweetened Condensed Milk , which is made by mixing a can of whipped corn with a can of sweetened condensed milk and then filtering the solids through a fine mesh sieve. You can read all about it here , but it mostly tastes like the richer and creamier version of milk that remains after eating breakfast cereals like Corn Pops or Cap’n Crunch.

It is good in coffee and cocktails, and the easiest way to drink it is to mix it with a little brown liquor to make a light milk punch. The corn flavor is slightly muted by ethanol, but enough to make you want more. A light toasted sweetness fills the drink, creating something like a freshly made milkshake. You can use all the bourbon if you like, but I think a little dark rum will make it a little more interesting. Good for breakfast. It’s good for dessert. It’s good for you. To make it you will need:

Add everything to a shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously until the shaker is too cold to handle. Strain into a cup and garnish with nutmeg if desired. (This is not really necessary; I just sprinkled it on the photo.)


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