Pickle Tomatoes for Extra Aromatic BLT

BLT is a simple sandwich, but simplicity demands perfection. Every ingredient plays an important role, and the maximum salinity of the bacon, the crunch of the lettuce and the juicy sweetness of the tomato make this sandwich a truly delicious sandwich.

In her New York Times Cooking Diary , Chef Claire de Boer shares a tomato tip that enhances the flavor of meaty fruits with a little marinade:

Lazy days start with a BLT breakfast. Luke is heaven and has two secrets. First, while the bacon is cooking, he chops the tomatoes and pickles them with red wine vinegar, olive oil and salt. It turns the dullest tomato into a San Marzano fantasy. Second: after deep toasting the bread (at home they prefer a simple bagel or a loaf of sesame seeds), he pours a thick layer of mayonnaise on it, and then adds olive oil and tomato juice with vinegar. Sounds ridiculous? Ideally.

Not only will you end up with a more flavorful tomato, but you’ll also leave behind a vibrant tomato vinaigrette that can be drizzled over the top. Need to do this for the perfect seasonal relic? Maybe not. But this tip works especially well with soft greenhouses, which is great news because the end of the tomato season is near.

We asked the chef to keep a culinary diary for a week. Here’s what she did. | New York Times This post was originally published in August 2019 and updated in August 2020. Changes included checking links and performing copy edits in line with the current Lifehacker style.


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