Study Your Child’s Symptoms With This AAP App

Considering we’re all a bit hesitant to run to the doctor, hospital, or emergency unless absolutely necessary, there is an app you might want to have on hand as the flu season approaches and we continue to ride the wave. pandemics. : KidsDoc app .

The KidsDoc app was created by the American Academy of Pediatrics and is a symptom index that you can search alphabetically, by body region, or by keywords. When you click on a symptom, such as ear congestion, headache, or eye swelling, you receive additional information with a more detailed explanation of the symptom to confirm accuracy (plus a list of other symptoms that may be more appropriate). From there, you can read about possible causes, next steps and general care tips. You can also send information to yourself (or someone else) via email.

You can create mini profiles for each child to keep a log of their frequently used drugs, dosages, prescription numbers, and other notes. And there is a first aid section where you can learn how to treat various injuries or ailments such as burns or cuts. The app even contains dosage tables for common OTC drugs your child may be taking, including paracetamol, ibuprofen, and diphenhydramine (Benadryl).

As rightly noted in the disclaimer, the guidelines you find in this app are a starting point, not an end point, in diagnosing and treating your child’s illness or injury.

No care advice can be perfect. Therefore, you should use common sense and common sense when using KidsDoc. You are responsible for the health of your child. Make safe and careful decisions. If in doubt, call your doctor. If you think your child is in urgent care, call 911 or go to the emergency room.

The app costs $ 1.99 and is available for iOS and Android .


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