Boost Your EBR With Free Books & Magazines Through Amazon Prime

Like it or not, Amazon Prime has become a lifeline for many during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing them to quickly get food and supplies to their homes. And while free 2-day shipping is probably the most popular feature of the service, if you only use your account to order items, you’re missing out. Yes, there is Amazon Prime Video, but did you know that your Prime subscription also includes a large selection of free books, comics and magazines? Here’s how to access them even if you don’t have a Kindle device.

How to Access Free Books Through Amazon Prime

First, as Michael Crider points out in Review Geek , it’s not the same as the Kindle Unlimited ; it is a standalone subscription service with a much wider selection of books. Instead, in order to familiarize yourself with your Prime options, you need to go to Prime Reading . This section will show you what is currently available for free through your Prime account. (Another note from Crider : These selections are constantly changing, so if you’re interested in reading something, download it now because it won’t last forever.)

What’s in stock?

Prime Reading is not the digital equivalent of a bookstore shelf full of scraps that no one wants to read. There are suggestions from the nonfiction literature of David Sedaris and about Mr. Rogers . There are classic children’s books such as Harold and the Purple Crayon and The Tree of Gifts (if you need a book to read to your kids and have a good cry). In addition to fiction by Dean Kunz and Lucinda Berry, there is also a decent selection of print magazines (like the ones you usually have to pay for at the kiosk) such as Real Simple , Men’s Health, and Smithsonian .

Do I need a Kindle device?

No, you don’t need a real Kindle or Fire to take advantage of the digital literary benefits of your Prime account. Your phone, tablet, or computer will work for you because you can access these free books and periodicals through the Kindle app on iOS or Android phones or tablets, or in a standard web browser through the Kindle Cloud Reader .

As long as you pay for Amazon Prime, you can also take full advantage of the subscription, including its digital printing capabilities.


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