Build Your Own City With This Game

One of the strangest parts of isolation is the lack of interaction with your city or area. Whether you live in Manhattan or the Ohio countryside, when you really just stay at home, our homes become our entire world. You may have even begun to dream of creating your ideal city with an abundance of public toilets and gas and gas fountains. (Just me?) Anyway, you might be interested in a new “game” (in quotes because the designer doesn’t consider it a game, but more on that later) called “Cityscape” that allows you to live life to the fullest. Your dreams of urban planning without any red tape.

How to play Townscaper

According to Bloomberg CityLab , the creator of Townscaper made it to the point to refer to him as a “toy” and not a “game”, because “he has no purpose other than great pleasure and satisfaction from watching a pretty city rising from the sea. when you click. ” The case has been accepted.

Either way, the idea behind Townscaper is that you can build your own empty city that looks straight out of Scandinavia or a children’s book (or a Scandinavian children’s book). Left-clicking builds something; right-clicking destroys it. That’s basically it.

This is how CityLab ‘s Marie Patino describes it:

“Multi-colored buildings can be stacked on top of each other or placed side by side. The first click on the water canvas creates the foundation. Clicking on the same spot a second time builds the house, and the third and fourth times makes the building rise. The game’s algorithms handle the details: they add terraces, arches, bridges, indoor gardens, ladders to descend to the water and clotheslines between buildings. “

There is no distracting music here – just small pops when you decide to get rid of a part of your city and it falls into the virtual ocean. There is also no objective or competitive element here: no friends to meet or turnips to buy. Basically, this is a digital awareness exercise that provides a little escape from our current reality.

Townscaper costs $ 5.99 to download and is available here.


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