Get up Off Your Chair and Do Some Downhill Dogs

The yoga pose, known as the Downward Dog, is, as I always thought, one of the strangest movements and is considered relatively easy for beginners. Any introductory yoga course will have a ton of them. But you’re upside down, you’re stretching parts of yourself that don’t often stretch, and your shoulders have to support a significant portion of your weight, which they rarely have to do otherwise.

This is why I think doing multiple downhill dogs is a great option to get out of your chair and shake yourself up a bit. In a sense, this is the opposite of sitting at a table.

My own downhill dogs are hardly Instagram-worthy: my ankles are flexible, but my hamstrings are tight. Maybe you have your own problems. This is fine. If you want to improve your posture, Yoga Journal has a subtle guide . But it’s enough to just try and enjoy the stretch and hardship.

Personally, I get the most from descending dogs when I can get in and out of them. The dog plank down and back, for example, is a push-up-like movement and presents a very different challenge than a regular push-up. (You can even add actual push-ups or low chataranga to the mix if you’re feeling sharp.) Move into or out of this exercise however you like, or just relax and take a few breaths in this position.

Regardless of how you do it, this quick fitness snack will improve your day and possibly inspire you to do a few laps with your hands and walk around the block to complete your snacking experience. Try it!


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