Create a Video Game With Roblox’s Summer Coding Challenge

If your kids have ever wanted to create and animate their own video games but didn’t know where to start, Roblox has a free summer coding assignment that can teach them the basics. The Build Play Challenge gives kids simple instructions to help them learn how to create a game with custom animations and then level up the game by navigating in real life using a mobile device. …

Roblox explains on his blog:

This challenge is movement, both in the game and in real life. We will show you step by step how to create a game in which players run around the track and gain levels by moving the IRL with their mobile device. How do their avatars move? You decide. You will be able to create animations from scratch. Will they fly? Run back? Turn the wheels of the cart? The possibilities are endless, just like your imagination.

First, kids need to download Roblox Studio , which is free for Mac or PC. (If they are completely new to Roblox, they will also need to register for an account .) They can then choose from three tutorials that suit their animation experience and skill level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced).

The tutorials are full of illustrations, graphics, and common problem notes to help kids navigate Studio and create their own original animations.

When the animation is complete, kids will be able to submit it to the Victory and Celebration Animation Competition until July 31st, and Roblox favorites will be featured in the official Island of Move game. Winners will be selected based on how creative their animation is, and whether it matches the theme of the holiday and its overall quality.


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